Naturalist Net Home Page 1998 1999 2000 Headline Archives


May 13 Island Conditions Report


Try the Sucre Currency Converter

Illegal Fishing Ship Caught in Galapagos Waters
Hundreds of Sea Turtles Dying
August 14 Island Conditions
Sea Cucumber Fishing Stops and June Island Conditions
Tortoise Deaths Being Investigated tortoise

November 1999 Leonid Shower of Meteors could produce 1000s per hour
update - 1688 per hour confirmed

tortoiseGalapagos Symposium Schedule (San Francisco June 22-23)
Island Conditions Report MAY

Island Conditions Report & Death of a Cucumber Fisherman - April 17

Feedback from National Geographic article - Richard Nuñez  (+other articles)


ECONOMIC CRISIS IN ECUADOR - strikes have ended Update March 21
Feb 18 Guagua Pichincha Report


Leap Second to be added Dec. 31, 6:59:59pm EST - Earth Continues Slowing Down

Roberto Haro's boat goes down near 4 Hermanos - found 19hours later

Galapagos National Park Service Tourism Office forced to close for 4 months - update Dec. 1

Guagua update - photo link - graphs Oct 23

Quito on Yellow Alert for impending eruption of GuaGua Pichincha

Latest Eruption Report from the Charles Darwin Research Station

ERUPTION ON CERRO AZUL - ISABELA - Tortoises to be airlifted out

Latest eruption press release - September 20

National Park Press Release about Eruption with PHOTOS

So what hasn't been blamed on El Niño yet!?!?

The National Park patrol boat Guadalupe River captures an illegal tuna fishing boat (The Eli) from manta on Sunday July 26 - Good Work!

JAMIL MAHUAD WINS the Presidentail Election! Also - TAME backs down and lowers airfares for locals. The strikers are satisfied. Plus: LATEST ISLAND VISIT REPORT-July 18

Ecuador's Presidential Elections are Sunday, July 12 - The Naturalist Net hopes that Jamil wins! All quiet on Sunday July 12-update

July 9 - General Strike in Galapagos protesting an airfare hike - Air Travel and Tourism disrupted (more news soon)

July 1 - Bodies of the 2 IMAX team members found on Cerro Azul

June 26 - 2 IMAX Film team members lost while filming in Amphibious Ultra-light Plane

June 11 - Tour boat Moby Dick sank 8 Km South of Santa Fe Tuesday night June 10- 4 dead - Angelito and other boats pick up survivors

June 5 - Galapagos Mob Protests Election results - destroys voting urns

May 29 -Report from David Day on Island Conditions

May 17 - Latest report from the islands - Cooler water, SE trades, and Albatross nesting! - May 17 update

May 21 - Ecuador signs Dolphin Conservation Pact

April 20 - TAME 727 Goes down in Colombia and Air France Statement - JORGE ANHALZER President of the Charles Darwin Foundation and FABRICIO VALVERDE Technical Head of the Galápagos National Park PERISHED IN THE CRASH

Seismic Update - March 18 - There have been numerous rumors about activity on Volcan Alcedo and earthquakes. So far, there has been no significant activity recorded by the local seismographs. There has been one earthquake this year remotely sensed and reported by The USGS on Feb 28, 1998  at 11:25:08.2 UT    at  1.684South 89.899West   GALAPAGOS ISLANDS

February 1998 was the warmest February in global history

Ecuador will produce and sell ONLY UNLEADED Gasoline as of April 1! - good move